Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What you run into when you start to change your mind...

Changing your mind will run you into some interesting fixed ideas.

Kinda like finding a pole in your way when you're driving down what you thought was a clear street. You can run into all sorts of things when you start to change your mind on purpose.

I've covered before how we are constantly re-programming ourselves - it's part of learning, which is something we never quit doing every second of every day and even while we sleep.

But I was even surprised when I started down this road -- surprised how many strong ideas I'd held onto which were in turn holding me back. Those can even be painful, it seems.

The stronger the idea, the harder it is to let go of. Critical thought is one. Being able to differentiate and find better ways of doing something is a valuable skill. Running people down or finding fault isn't. It's just how you view the same action and what you expect to gain as an ed result which determines how you are going to approach something.

But if you have this nagging, almost carping criticism going on in the background, it's really a hard addiction to crack. Because that is what it is - habits are addictions: you don't think you can live without them and you can't envision your life without them. But they are simply chronic ways of thinking which limit your abbility.

Of course, they come with their own justifications and emotional reasons to justify their existence. And these make perfect sense. However, you can't see how they need to be changed until you start seeing something's got to be in your own road. And then you see the outline of he beast, and WHAM -- you just hit something in that road in front of you.

Most often, it comes with a (cracked) mirror, since that is your own reflection looking back at you. You see, you put it there years ago to deal with something your life and now it's just not needed anymore.

But don't figure that just because you know it's there that it's going to be easy to deal with, or easy to move. Sometimes it just goes *poof* and the whole thing blows over like a single dark cloud. Other times, it has to be painfully-inched-out-of-your-way-with-incredible-effort-at-every-single-step.

And there's no particular sense as to why it moves or doesn't move. But the point is that you are really only going to get it moving if you start purposefully changing your mind.

Here's the kicker, though: evolution/learning is a constant process. So you are going to be finding these "instant roadblocks" from time to time as you move through life. Some will be easy to change and others not. The trick is to realize you are continuing a learning process and so are going to be getting "lessons" from time to time.

How to make your lessons easier

The easiest way is to take everything that happens to you as an additional lesson. Some inconvenience which occurs on your lines can be resolved, but it can also be learned from. Simply ask yourself, "What is the lesson here?" And intuitively, you'll probably receive some sort of hint about that.

Any situation, as Huna sages tell us, can be analyzed four ways: 1) Objectively, 2) Subjectively, 3) Symbolically, and 4) Holistically.

When you "seek the Silence" daily, you drop in your request to learn solutions to whatever problem you are running into. Then you are expecting an answer in some form or other.

This is simply another version of manifesting, which several people cover (like Joe Vitale's "Spiritual Marketing" and Jack Canfield on "The Secret" DVD):

1. Be still, relax completely.
2. Concentrate on the peculiars of the situation you want to resolve - all the details.
3. Simply request a solution to the Universe.
4. Consider next that your solution is here, applied, and the situation resolved.
5. Let go. Move onto something else.

Some find, as I do, that the best time for this is just before going to sleep at night.

Charles Haanel's "Master Key System"
gives all the theory of this and 24 lessons to get these practical points into your own life.

Good Hunting!

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