Thursday, July 05, 2007

The information marketing scam - what to watch out for...

- Web Publishing Blog: "...proven ways people make a lot of money online.
3. Sell information to other people about how to make money online. Its garbage but this garbage has made a handful of people rich. Most of the money comes from e-mail lists and other affiliates. This is the land of long sales letters, H1 headlines, and clickbank screenshots (showing you that they know what they are doing because they just sold this garbage e-book to 1,000 othe people like you.)"

And this is exactly what we won't be doing through that new book linked above.

I've covered this recently in several posts. Those people I've checked up on (and they keep coming across my lines) tend to steer people toward "personal coaching" and no real useable products.

With this book, at least you'll get a book out of the deal ;)

Note that "how to make money online" is full of high-ranking keywords and phrases. A nice mix of "how to make", "make money", "money", and "online". Check them out on Google Trends and you'll see how well they pull.

So I linked my upcoming blook to that phrase - couldn't help myself ;)

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