Bit by bit.
How did you collect all that junk in your life? Bit by bit. So when you are "cleaning house" literally or figuratively, you bag it up and take it out as you can.
Straightening out your life is also that way. While some can have miracles in their lives - and expect some, by all means - the bulk of life is lived one day at a time. When you are changing, re-programming your life, you will find the little things tripping you up. It's the odd attitude, the temper flare, the impulsive comment blurt - these little uncontrolled bursts which can sour your mood and wreck your day, or someone elses.
How do you change these? Start getting into the habit of feeling positive in your life. Not just thinking good thoughts, but getting the feeling that goes along with these. Everytime you get a bad feeling, a bad vibe coming through - think of something in your life that makes you feel good. Start thinking of some things in your life you are really grateful for, are really happy to have around you. As you develop this habit, you'll find yourself recovering faster and having totally great days more often.
You know, when you do this, you are going to attract better things into your life. You are going to get more intuitive impulses which bring you new opportunities. You are going to have better luck.
But don't get discouraged by thinking that you have so much to clean up in your life. Just keep carrying out those bags of stuff day by day. Read and listen to all sorts of self-help tapes and books. Surround yourself with artwork and pictures of things you like, things you want to accomplish, stuff you want to have. Get rid of things you don't like and stuff that doesn't make you feel good.
You need to feel good as much as you possibly can. Preferably all the time.
And a great way to do this is to work at making people around you feel good. See how you can help people around you, completely open-handed. Slot some time each week or part of each month just to help people - volunteer at a local organization that you like.
When you do this, you will be improving your life to a great new level. But look back every now and then and compare notes with how you used to be. You will find that you have made some great strides and are doing and having and being now much better than then.
All great journeys are accomplished by taking individual steps.
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